7 Ways to Use Social Media to Advance Your Career.

In 2015, CareerBuilder did their annual social media survey and found that 35 percent of hiring managers were less likely to interview a candidate if they couldn't find them online. And since social media is a part of most of our lives, you have to assume that will only increase in the years ahead, especially as more Millennials become managers.
What follows are some tips and strategies to help you advance your career with social media.
  1. Change Happens
As you have career successes, make sure to post them across your social media platforms, and of course, certainly on LinkedIn. I've seen people on my feeds show their day-to-day work successes. There's no need for a heavy sell. No one wants that, and it's a quick turn-off; just post some fun stuff on something cool. Additionally, if you move to a new position or get promoted, make sure all of your social media profiles are updated.
  1. Grow Your Network
Social media is social networking. Social networking by definition means you have to be social. Engage with people. Drop your contacts an email now and then to check in or ask them for some career advice. Keep your contacts always warm. I am a huge believer in picking up the phone, so make it a point to go through your social media friends and connect with people. You never know who has the next opportunity for you.
  1. Use Your Real Name
Nicknames are fine, and I know that many people use them on social media, but if you're looking to advance your career, make it a point to have an account using your real name so a potential hiring manager can find you. Some people have two accounts within their social media, especially Facebook (which by the way doesn't look favorably on it, but it can be done). If you want to use a nickname and spend time sharing your political views, keep that account for your close friends and family. Use your real name for posting content any employer doing a search using your name can find.
  1. Be True to You
Companies are looking to hire people who align with their business culture. So, when you're using a profile picture, make it a point to let your personality shine through. Smile and look relaxed. If you're an artist or looking to work in a cool start-up, look the part in your social media profile. Be who you are in your picture, or at least show your dynamic business side.
  1. Follow Company Pages
An excellent way to learn more about companies or organizations you might want to work for is to follow their pages. And, if there's a business of particular interest to you-comment and engage with people within the organization. Show your expertise in your particular field. When you post comments, make sure they're thoughtful. Keep doing it consistently, and people will notice it within the company and outside of it.
  1. #Jobs
Unfortunately, social media is full of spam. But you can still use #jobs with another keyword to find opportunities. You'll have to do some sifting, but you're able to find thoughts leaders in the field at the very least, if not a job posting.
  1. Join Groups
Social media has broken down walls and borders. Use it to meet people. Participate in a group in your particular industry or one that you want to enter. You don't need more than a handful of groups. Make sure they're large or active. After you join, post and comment within the group. It doesn't take long for people within the group to notice who the thought leaders are (including you) and you'll be getting invitations to connect and chat offline.
Author of "Not Your Father's Charity: Be Bold, Dominate and Succeed in Marketing For Today's Digital World On A Limited Budget" - Free Digital Download at http://www.notyourfatherscharity.com
© 2017 Wayne Elsey and Not Your Father's Charity. All Rights Reserved.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9680973


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