
Showing posts from 2017


*HOW TO GH PART OF 2016 MAVRO* 1👉PH any amount *(but something reasonable,)*  2. Click on the GH bottom, it may show “Daily GH limit exceeded"( THATS BCOS U HAVE NO PH ON 2017) 3. Keep repeating clicking on the GH bottom until you are take to the GH page 4. Click on select account 5. Click on “Next” it may also show you the available withdraw amount to be YOUR2017 PH 6. Click on “BACK” and then click “NEXT” again (keep repeating this process until it show  certain withdrawal amount) 7. Click on the amount box and type your withdrawal amount in whole number of thousands (don’t click on “ALL” in the amount box, just type the amount in the box) 8. Click “NEXT”again 9. Click on the last “NEXT” fast and wait for it to load.  10. If it shows “unknown error” don’t click OK, just click on the (*) bottom at the top right and repeate the process again till it show “order has been created”.  When you are trying this process you may see some clinch like unknown errors but keep r
DOING IT RIGHT It's competitive out there. It is difficult to get noticed, at least for the right things. A resume is good. But hardly distinctive. Working connections on LinkedIn or Twitter are important to getting your name out there, also. But, again, they're only pieces of a bigger game of getting noticed, and getting valued. Look, writing articles for a blog is in many ways old school. So why am I suggesting you make it part of your career development tool kit? Because it gives you a leg up on the competition - plain and simple. Here are three things to do to make a blog work for you. 1) Write Right.  Few people can write well, even fewer can write with particular impact. I read a lot of blogs - I operate a blog platform. I read many papers from my senior college students - I'm a university professor. Trust me, few people write well, much less powerfully. Potent writing is both art and science. It is developed with study and practice. It is a proces

7 Ways to Use Social Media to Advance Your Career.

In 2015, CareerBuilder did their annual social media survey and found that 35 percent of hiring managers were  less   likely to interview a candidate if they couldn't find them online. And since social media is a part of most of our lives, you have to assume that will only increase in the years ahead, especially as more Millennials become managers. What follows are some tips and strategies to help you advance your career with social media. Change Happens As you have career successes, make sure to post them across your social media platforms, and of course, certainly on LinkedIn. I've seen people on my feeds show their day-to-day work successes. There's no need for a heavy sell. No one wants that, and it's a quick turn-off; just post some fun stuff on something cool. Additionally, if you move to a new position or get promoted, make sure all of your social media profiles are updated. Grow Your Network Social media is social networking. Social netw